Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our media.

For a while now, I have been planning on starting this blog. It was not ideal for me to start it so soon.

But today is appropriate. 

Look at the news. What kind of articles are out there right now? Perhaps you can find a story about the struggles of Kim and Kanye's baby which recently made his dramatic debut into the world. Or perhaps you may read an article about the new golden iPhone and how it is successfully being purchased all over the nation. Maybe you can even experience a news piece about the possibility of an alien life form existing somewhere in the final frontier. 

Might I just take a moment to ask WHAT ON EARTH IS WRONG WITH OUR MEDIA?!

How can we call all of this junk "breaking news" when so many people are struggling with survival from day to day because they simply do not have access to food which we willingly waste so abundantly? How can we claim to be going through "hard times" if we lack our normal caffeinated indulgence when nearly 6,000 precious babies die every day because they have no means of obtaining water, the essential element of life? How can we even pretend that we have problems because our plans for an event fall through when God's children all over the world have to hide under ground or in closets just so that they might pray to our heavenly father and not be killed because of it?


Go to your favorite (or not so favorite, either way) news website. The breaking stories for today involve some strange baseball record being broken, a song from Miley to Billy Ray, glamorous movie characters, and, hidden in between all of these meaningless stories, a report on an attack in Kenya.


This shocks me. It really does.

How can we pay more attention to the events that are happening in Hollywood which have absolutely no effect on anybody's lives when at least 22 people were killed due to an attack at a mall in Nairobi, Kenya? Why is it so hard for us to focus our attention on the terrible tragedies that are happening around the world? Why can we not even stop to acknowledge the number of kids that go without food, water, medical attention, and even love? Why is that so hard for us?

Maybe it is because I have seen an uber tiny glimpse of poverty that I care so much about these happenstances. I don't know. But what I do know is that we can help. We can help those who are not as blessed as we are. We can help those who struggle to find food and water to provide for the needs of their bodies. We can help those who have no shelter above their heads and are exposed every day to the harsh conditions of their area.

Truth be told, we probably cannot end poverty.

But we can help reduce it. 

If our media would focus less on abandoned dogs and focus more on abandoned children, maybe then we could start to realize the extreme needs of the people around us. 

If we took time out of our day to pray for the least of these and ask God how we personally could be His hands an feet, maybe then we could stop being consumed with what Hollywood tells us we need and focus more on what these precious children who are dying all around the world need.

Maybe, just maybe. 


Sorry to go on a rant on the first post of this blog.

The ultimate reason for starting this blog was to let you know that I may have the opportunity to return to Kenya next summer. I'll use this as a way to keep everyone up to date on possible fundraising opportunities, prayer concerns, news of where I will be going, and hopefully, stories of experiences during my journey. 

With that being said, Kenya take me back to Africa?

With faith, hope, and love,

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